For all, by design.

Little design refresh

We've had a little makeover and we're using a new font, Okay!

Every tuesday morning I open my emails to the Dense Discovery newsletter - it’s very good - each week it features a new typeface and each week I ponder if it’s a good one for this website. This week, no pondering was required. It’s called Okay!

As the website says, “It has a personality that bursts with strong attitude, tropical warmth and sweet aftertaste.” I like to think that’s Whoopee too.

When I’ve got a bit more time I’ll pop back here and update this post with what I’ve done and tidy up a bit.

Homepage before

The homepage before today was very bold but maybe not so friendly

The homepage before today was very bold but maybe not so friendly

Blog index page befor

Warmer colours on the blog pages

Warmer colours on the blog pages

Blog post before

new typeface

New typeface, Okay!

I’ll sort out the accessibility problems I’ve caused ASAP.

Whoopee: Becoming chicken

Come find me at chicken, my new studio working with others, building a better web